Notary Public & Notarization Services

Notary Public & Notarization Services

Notary Public

A notary public is an integral part of society because of their critical role in signing legally binding documents. A notary public is a professional commissioned by the Kingdom of Thailand to witness the signing of documents, administer oaths, authenticate signatures, and collect affidavits.

In Thailand, notary services are performed for identification documents, business documents, foreign public documents etc.

While some people may think that notary public services exist in Thailand as a specific sector, Thailand does not actually have a notary public institution - instead, the State allows a notarial service attorney ordained by the Lawyers Council of Thailand to perform notary public work.

In Thailand, the Lawyers Act B.E. 2528 regulates the performance of notary public officials; the Lawyers Council of Thailand also dictates that a Thai lawyer must undergo a professional training course.

The Role of a Notarial Services Attorney

The role of a notarial services attorney is essential in a well-functioning legal system, where the legal services they provide that every party involved in an agreement trusts the authenticity of a signed document. Therefore, the most essential details in the legal services offered include confirmation of identity of the people signing legal documents, their willingness to sign, and their full awareness of all relevant information regarding the document and its contents.

After witnessing the signing of official documents, a notary services attorney will apply their seal, signature, and notary commission details. They will act as a future proof that all the signatures in the document have been verified and all the facts within the document are true.

Juslaws & Consult: Notary Public Services

Notary public services provided by the Juslaws & Consult include assistance in verification of signatures, among others. Our experience with frequently notarized documents also makes us experts at checking and confirming that everyone signing the document is in a proper state of mind, as well as identifying any potential signs of fraud or coercion by parties involved in the signing.

Our notarial services also include signing and sealing  notarial certificates in all legal necessary documents, thus stating that all prerequisites for the signing have been met. In addition, we confirm the identity of everyone involved in the contract signing. Juslaws & Consult also administers oaths while being physically present at the time and place of the signing, even if it may involve traveling. The notary services we provide also involve management of all affidavits, contracts, marriage certificates, and other legal documents. Juslaws & Consult also act as a witness, confirming the items enclosed within a deposit box. Keeping a detailed journal of all notary-related activities and scheduling future appointments with everyone seeking to hire our services is also a part of our job.

Scope of Work: Overview

In general, the kind of work done by notary services attorneys is as follows:

-Certification of official documents
-Certificate of authenticity of signatures
-Recording of statements made under oath (sworn affidavits)
-Administering and documenting oaths
-Certification of Identification Documents (IDs)
-Notarization of legal instruments such as a Power of Attorney that will be  used in a foreign jurisdiction

The minor administrative demands of major life choices often require a great deal of professional assiatnce provided by lawyers who have extensive experience. Therefore, should one wish to ascertain official documents, legal documents, or other related documents, they are advised to make an appointment with Juslaws & Consult.

Requirements for clients

Clients are typically expected to provide a photo of the identification document. Notarial services can proceed once the Juslaws & Consult notary has verified the parties' identities.