Setting Up International Headquarters - IHQ - In Thailand

International Headquarters IHQ in Thailand

In May 2015, Thailand introduced a scheme to boost the country's competitiveness with regards to companies developing International Headquarters (also known as IHQ) in Thailand. International Headquarters ( IHQ ) is defined as a company incorporated under Thai laws that provides any of the following activities to its branches or "associate enterprises", whether located in Thailand or overseas.

  • Managerial services or technical services
  • Supporting services:

    - General management, business planning, and business coordination
    - Procurement of raw materials and parts
    - Research and development of products
    - Technical support
    - Marketing and sales promotion
    - Human resource management and training
    - Financial advisory services
    - Economic and investment analysis and research
    - Any other supporting services stipulated by the Director General of the Revenue Department
  • Financial management, including
    - Financial management by corporate treasury centers approved under the Exchange Control Law
    - Borrowing and lending in Thai Baht

Incentives for an IHQ in Thailand

International Headquarters (IHQ) are governed by the BOI in Thailand. The BOI Law was established to provide a plethora of incentives to companies wishing to operate various types of businesses in Thailand. But setting up a BOI can be a little complex. Juslaws & Consult has a lot of experience with the BOI Law and advises clients thinking of setting up International Headquarters (IHQ) in Thailand to contact us for a FREE first consultation, which will ensure a safe and smooth application process with a positive outcome.